6 B2B Marketing Strategies That Work

Researching B2B marketing strategies often results in a list of disparate marketing tactics that you are expected to implement. While these are helpful, without an overarching strategy, you’ll quickly find your budget drained and little results achieved. Instead, choose a marketing strategy that aligns with your brand, your goals, your mission, and your budget.

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How to Read an RFP

Whether you’re an expert with RFPs or this is your first time reviewing one, opening up that document can be overwhelming. Many RFPs are lengthy, filled with requirements, and structured in a way that makes it difficult to find exactly what you need. Thankfully, there is a way to make skimming an RFP easier so you can quickly find the important information and determine if responding makes sense for your company.

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Relationship Marketing for B2B Companies

A common goal for most businesses, especially in the B2B space, is to increase the value of each client. The first way, of course, is to increase your prices if you’re undercharging. After that, the next step may be relationship marketing.

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Demi Utley